Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blog Assignment #6

Personal learning network, or PLN’s, is a global tool for people to interact and connect with each other. This is a useful tool for teachers. It gives teachers an opportunity to communicate with each other from all around the world. The personal learning network allows different educators to support and share many ideas. We were given two websites to create our own PLN. I chose Symbaloo . I really like how it was set up. It allowed me to put all the main sites that I use like Twitter, Facebook, class blog, Pinterest, Youtube, google drive and many other useful tools that I use on a daily bases. It makes all the tiles organized and easy to find. I can already tell I will be using this tool very much and I would highly recommend it to other people, not just teachers.


A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment
Building Your PLN- A Primer for Anyone
Michael Fawcett Discusses his PLN


  1. Your PLN is an important part of your professional life. Grow it well.

  2. Hey Briley, great post about PLN’s. I too chose Symbaloo to organize my sites. I think it is an excellent tool to organize Web-pages for quick references. The tiles allow me to move the most frequently visited sites together. Access is simple and it was easy to set up. I am so thankful there are tools available to help keep the ocean of information organized and ready for quick use. Twitter is another great resource to use when growing your PLN. I have followed numerous experts in the field of education and beyond. I like the way you have included the links at the bottom of your posts, good idea.
