Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Post #13

Watch the TED video, What can adults learn from kids , by Adora Svitak. Write a blog post on what you learned from this lecture. This is assigned for all teachers.

My Post
Adora Svitak is only 17 years only and has been going around the United States to speak with adults and children as an advocate for literacy for a couple years now. In the video, What can adults learn from kids , really inspired me and just could not believe that she was only 17. The way she presented the information just amazed me. Adora talks about being called “childish”. For kids being called childish can occur frequently. Every time kids make irrational demands, have irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens; they are called “childish”. Adora’s example for adults is world wars, George Bush, and imperialism. Her example for kids is Ruby Bridges who ended segregation in the United States, Anne Frank who touched millions of people with her powerful account of the Hollocaust, and Charlie Simpson who recently raised 12,000 for Haiti on his bike. Those examples just prove that age has nothing to do with it.
Adora says that we should abolish this age discrimination word when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking. Adults need to stop thinking it is impossible, cost too much, or will not benefit me. Kids do not think about those things. They are full of inspiration and hopeful thinking. Kids dream about perfection and to make anything become reality you have to dream about it first.
Kids already do a lot of learning from adults but adults should learn from kids. In a classroom, it should not be a teacher at the head of the class telling the students to do this and do that. The students should teach the teachers. Learning between grown ups and kids should be a collaborative thing, Kids have little or no say in the rules. The adults should take in account the wishes on the younger population. Kids grow up and become adults. The idea is that new generations grow and develop to become better than the past. No matter the place you are in life, it is imperative to create opportunities for children so they can grow and come up with new ideas. Adults need to listen and learn from kids and expect more from them. Kids are the new generations and the ones who will bring the word forward. For the kids to grow up and be successful the world needs opportunity for new ideas and leaders.


1 comment:

  1. Briley, I love this topic you chose as your post. The world does not give children enough credit and Adora proves it. Great post!
